Sometimes life takes ...
I'm Alan Taylor and started my working life as an apprentice sign writer where I'd design and hand-paint signs. Using a variety of fonts and colours, I created signs with impact. But like most industries, computers infiltrated the sign industry and I taught myself how to fix them.
A different path ...
That took me down the corporate path working for IBM and several other IT companies. Working in IT taught me the value of simplicity. I'd listen to my colleagues talk to non-technical staff about processors, gigahertz, RAM and RAM speed, HDs and SSDs, megabits, megabytes and other industry jargon.
But that's not what they needed to hear. They needed to know if their computer would enable them to perform their role efficiently.
So that's what I've incorporated. Simplicity, No jargon. Just clean, crisp writing. On your topic.
Because there's nothing like putting words together in a compelling way to draw customers.
Your customers.
One that puts others first
And while this is my "About" page, my business is all about you and your business. I like to learn about your goals and work with you on how to achieve them.
So no matter who your target market is, you can be sure I'll craft your message to have its greatest impact.
And that's what it's all about isn't it? Gripping copy that draws people to your brand.